4 people wearing different glasses frames
4 people wearing different glasses frames

What do your glasses say about you?

Have you ever met someone for the first time and made a presumption about them based just on their glasses? I’m sure you have! As fashion evolves, glasses are no longer just a means to correct vision. Much like clothes, jewelry, and shoes, glasses are a reflection of personality, style, and sometimes even our mood for the day.

Oversized glasses: embracing confidence and individuality

Oversized glasses are not just about correcting vision. They’re about showcasing personality and confidence. These frames are for those who wish to make an impression without saying a word. Favored by trendsetters and creative minds, the oversized frame look might also suggest openness to experimentation or a strong sense of individuality.

woman wearing oversize glasses

Colorful frames for the more daring

Let’s just say colorful frames are not for those who want to go unseen. Choosing vibrant shades like electric blue, velvet purple, or pastel pink is a clear indicator of a playful and adventurous spirit. Someone who wears colorful glasses is usually a risk-taker, optimistic, and loves to experiment with different styles.

woman wearing colored glasses

Metallic minimalism

Metal frames, especially in shades of silver, gold, and rose gold, signify elegance and a love for the minimalist aesthetic. Such frames are versatile and can transition seamlessly from a professional setting to a casual outing. The individuals who opt for these (or even for rimless frames) tend to be more grounded, valuing simplicity and sophistication. Their choice of eyeglasses suggests that they believe in the motto “less is more” and “I can wear this with every single outfit!”

woman wearing metallic frame glasses

You say browline, we say business

Browline glasses, with their distinct upper frame tracing the eyebrow line, are a throwback to mid-20th-century style. These frames suggest a professional, serious, and well-rounded personality. Those who wear them are often seen as analytical, focused, and business-oriented.

man wearing browline glasses

The classic black frame look

Black frames are timeless and simple accessories that indicate a personality that loves classics. People who consistently choose black frames are often grounded and pragmatic, and value stability in their lives. The classic black frame look goes well with almost any outfit, suggesting a versatile and adaptable nature.

woman wearing black frame glasses

How to pick the perfect frame

If you wear glasses, then you know that it isnt exactly the easiest thing on earth to decide on your favorite pair, and you had to try on many different frames before you found THE ONE. 

Many factors play a role in choosing the right frame that makes the right impression, ensuring it reflects who you are. Here are some tips to pick well:

Face shape

We can’t stress this enough! Always consider the shape of your face. For instance, round faces often benefit from square or rectangular frames, while those with square faces might opt for oval or round frames.

Skin tone

Your complexion can guide your color choices. Warm undertones may gravitate towards earthy tones like browns and golds, while cool undertones might prefer silver or dark-tinted frames.


If you’re active, durable and lightweight frames might be ideal. If you’re into fashion, trending styles like a pair of cat-eye frames could be for you.


No matter how stylish, if a pair of glasses is uncomfortable, you’re less likely to wear them. Make sure you choose the right frame size.

Overall, the possibilities are endless: patterned frames, minimalist style, bold colors, Aviators, thick black frames, clean lines … it all depends on your unique personality and style. Whether you’re introverted, serious, fun-loving, or business-minded, there’s a frame out there that’s perfect for you.

What do your glasses say about you?

Have you ever met someone for the first time and made a presumption about them based just on their glasses? I’m sure you have! As fashion evolves, glasses are no longer just a means to correct vision.

Much like clothes, jewelry, and shoes, glasses are a reflection of personality, style, and sometimes even our mood for the day.

Oversized glasses: embracing confidence and individuality

Oversized glasses are not just about correcting vision. They’re about showcasing personality and confidence. These frames are for those who wish to make an impression without saying a word.

Favored by trendsetters and creative minds, the oversized frame look might also suggest openness to experimentation or a strong sense of individuality.

woman wearing oversize glasses

Colorful frames for the more daring

Let’s just say colorful frames are not for those who want to go unseen. Choosing vibrant shades like electric blue, velvet purple, or pastel pink is a clear indicator of a playful and adventurous spirit.

Someone who wears colorful glasses is usually a risk-taker, optimistic, and loves to experiment with different styles.

woman wearing colored glasses

Metallic minimalism

Metal frames, especially in shades of silver, gold, and rose gold, signify elegance and a love for the minimalist aesthetic.

Such frames are versatile and can transition seamlessly from a professional setting to a casual outing.

The individuals who opt for these (or even for rimless frames) tend to be more grounded, valuing simplicity and sophistication.

Their choice of eyeglasses suggests that they believe in the motto “less is more” and “I can wear this with every single outfit!”

woman wearing metallic frame glasses

You say browline, we say business

Browline glasses, with their distinct upper frame tracing the eyebrow line, are a throwback to mid-20th-century style.

These frames suggest a professional, serious, and well-rounded personality. Those who wear them are often seen as analytical, focused, and business-oriented.

man wearing browline glasses

The classic black frame look

Black frames are timeless and simple accessories that indicate a personality that loves classics. People who consistently choose black frames are often grounded and pragmatic, and value stability in their lives.

The classic black frame look goes well with almost any outfit, suggesting a versatile and adaptable nature.

woman wearing black frame glasses

How to pick the perfect frame

If you wear glasses, then you know that it isnt exactly the easiest thing on earth to decide on your favorite pair, and you had to try on many different frames before you found THE ONE. 

Many factors play a role in choosing the right frame that makes the right impression, ensuring it reflects who you are. Here are some tips to pick well:

Face shape

We can’t stress this enough! Always consider the shape of your face. For instance, round faces often benefit from square or rectangular frames, while those with square faces might opt for oval or round frames.

Skin tone

Your complexion can guide your color choices. Warm undertones may gravitate towards earthy tones like browns and golds, while cool undertones might prefer silver or dark-tinted frames.


If you’re active, durable and lightweight frames might be ideal. If you’re into fashion, trending styles like a pair of cat-eye frames couldbe for you.


No matter how stylish, if a pair of glasses is uncomfortable, you’re less likely to wear them. Make sure you choose the right frame size.

Overall, the possibilities are endless: patterned frames, minimalist style, bold colors, Aviators, thick black frames, clean lines … it all depends on your unique personality and style.

Whether you’re introverted, serious, fun-loving, or business-minded, there’s a frame out there that’s perfect for you. 

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